1859-1943 |
of the Life of Sokaku Takeda, |
1859 | Sokaku born second son of Sokichi Takeda.
1867 | Sokaku studies Onoha Itto-ryu.
1868 | Sokaku becomes adopted son of Kurokochi family.
1870 | Sokaku forbidden to participate in sumo tournament as the son of an ozeki-ranked amateur sumo wrestler, but still manages to sneak away to win matches in sumo tournaments.
1873 | Sokaku enters dojo of Sakakibara Kenkichi.
1875 | Sokaku caught in fight among gamblers and cuts down 4 or 5 men.Sokaku on training pilgrimage barely escapes with life from kendo dojo.
1876 | Sokatsu Takeda, Sokaku�s elder brother dies; Sokichi wants Sokaku to succeed his brother in the priesthood. Sokaku leaves priesthood after only a few weeks' residence at shrine deciding to join the uprising of Saigo Takamori after talking to Hoshina Chikanori (Saigo Tanomo) who inspired pro-Saigo sentiments in the 17-year-old Sokaku.
1877 | Sokaku travels to Kyushu after end of Seinan War.
1878 | Sokaku defeats Okinawan karateka in bare-handed match in Kumamoto Prefecture Sokaku travels around Okinawa matching skills with karateka.
1887c | Sokaku accompanies Saigo Tsugumichi (younger brother of Saigo Takamori) to Hokkaido when latter becomes head of Hokkaido Development Project.
1898 | 1898-1910, Sokaku�s teaching activities centered in Tohoku area.
1899 | Early entry in Sokaku's enrollment book (eimeiroku) for �Daito-ryu jujutsu� instruction.
1904 | Sokaku goes briefly to Hokkaido at request of court officials to assist in stopping the disruption of judicial proceedings by local gang members.
1910 | Sokaku accompanies Akita Prefectural police chief, Sanehide Takarabe to Hokkaido upon latter�s transfer.
1912c | Sokaku marries Sue, also a practitioner of Daito-ryu.
1915 | Morihei Ueshiba first meets Sokaku at introduction of Kotaro Yoshida; Ueshiba's name appears for first time in Sokaku�s eimeiroku.
1916 | Ueshiba receives Hiden Mokuroku from Sokaku.
1919 | Ueshiba departs Hokkaido on news of father's illness and leaves his home and its furnishings to Sokaku.
1922 | Sokaku appears in Ayabe with family and stays for six months teaching Daito-ryu to Morihei Ueshiba and members of the Omoto religion. Sokaku awards teaching certification to Ueshiba on departure.
1929 | Admiral Isamu Takeshita publishes a magazine article on Sokaku entitled Takeda Sokaku Buyuden (�The Heroic Deeds of Sokaku Takeda�).
1930 | Journalist Yoichi Ozaka publishes article Ima Bokuden ("Modern Day Bokuden") in August 17, 1930 issue of Tokyo Asahi News
1930 | Sokaku's wife Sue perishes in fire in cinema in Shirataki.
1931 | Ueshiba�s name appears in Sokaku�s enrollment books (Tokyo) just prior to opening of the latter's Kobukan Dojo.
1936 | Sokaku appears at office of Osaka Asahi News presenting himself as teacher of Morihei and announcing he will take charge of training of newspaper staff.
1939 | Sokaku awards Takuma Hisa Takuma and Masao Tonedate menkyo kaiden certification, the only two persons to have received this certification.
1943 | Sokaku dies in Aomori at age of 83 following a stroke. |